We believe that entities operating in the field of economy have an important role to play in the area of ​​strategic goals of the STALPROFIL FOUNDATION.
For the above reasons, in addition to the founding fund in which the STALPROFIL FOUNDATION was provided by STALPROFIL SA, the Foundation's revenues include financial donations from entrepreneurs who are legal and natural persons.
We also ask for financial or material support to all other people who identify with our mission and want to help the STALPROFIL FOUNDATION in achieving its goals and specific tasks and projects.
STALPROFIL FOUNDATION also aspires to the role of a public benefit organization. After obtaining such status, the STALPROFIL FOUNDATION will be able to apply for additional support in the form of 1% income tax from natural persons, transferred by taxpayers in accordance with the Act on Public Benefit and Volunteer Work.
STALPROFIL FOUNDATION does not conduct business activity.
Members of the STALPROFIL FOUNDATION authorities perform their functions free of charge.


Foundation's bank account number:

ING Bank Śląski SA 
PL32 1050 1214 1000 0090 3253 0892

PL51 1050 1214 1000 0090 8140 0799