Corporate Governance
The Management Board of STALPROFIL S.A. with its registered office in Dąbrowa Górnicza (the Company) announces that on 6 October 2017, the Supervisory Board made changes in the composition of the Audit Committee selecting new members in the persons of: Stefan Dzienniak and Andrzel Młynarczyk.
In addition, on 6 October 2017, the Audit Committee from among its members appointed a Chairman in the person of Andrzej Młynarczyk.
The Chairman of the Audit Committee made a statement of compliance with the criteria for an independent member of the Supervisory Board referred to in Annex II to the Commission Recommendation 2005/162/EC of 15 February 2005 on the role of non-executive or supervisory directors of listed companies and committees of the (supervisory) board.
With appointment of Mr Andrzej Młynarczyk as the Chairman of the Audit Committee, that is from 6 October 2017, the Company thus satisfies the principle II.Z.8. of "Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2016", which states that the chairman of the audit committee should meet the independence criteria indicated in the principle II.Z.4.
The Management Board of STALPROFIL S.A. with its registered office in Dąbrowa Górnicza (the Company) informs that on the day of the appointment by the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company's new Supervisory Board member Mr Andrzej Młynarczyk, that is from 29 September 2017, the Company complies with the principle II.Z.3 of "Best Practices of WSE Listed Companies 2016", which states that at least two members of a supervisory board should meet the independence criteria indicated in the principle II.Z.4.
Mr Andrzej Młynarczyk submited to the Company a statement of compliance with the criteria for an independent member of the Supervisory Board as specified in Annex II to the European Commission recommendation 2005/162/EC of 15 February 2005 on the role of non-executive or supervisory directors of listed companies and committees of a (supervisory) board.
As an attachment, Company publishes information about the education, qualifications and positions held by the STALPROFIL S.A. Supervisory Board member appointed on 29 September 2017.