Information on the appeal against the judgment of the first instance court in the proceedings against the former president of the management board of ZRUG Zabrze SA and TUiR Allianz
In reference to the current report 6/2021 of April 15, 2021, The Management Board of STALPROFIL SA (the Company) informs that the Company has lodged an appeal against the judgment issued by the District Court in Katowice in the proceedings brought by the Company against the former president of the management board of ZRUG Zabrze SA and Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń i Reasekuracji Allianz Polska SA in Warsaw (TUiR Allianz) for payment of 9 396 thousand PLN, as compensation for losses incurred by the Company, related to the management of the affairs of ZRUG Zabrze SA (currently STALPROFIL SA Branch in Zabrze) during the period of the contract for the construction of the DN700 Szczecin-Gdańsk gas pipeline in 2012-2015.
The basis of the claim against TUiR Allianz is a third party liability insurance policy of members of the company's governing bodies (the so-called D&O policy).
The aforementioned judgment was appealed by the Company in the part dismissing the claim, i.e. the amount of PLN 3,241,183.32 with statutory interest for the delay for the period from the date of filing the claim to the date of payment and the costs of the proceedings.
On June 2, 2021, the Company was also informed that the former president of the management board of ZRUG Zabrze SA and TUiR Allianz had filed an appeal against the above-mentioned judgment, ordering the total amount of PLN 6,154,444.00 from both defendants in favor of STALPROFIL SA with statutory interest for delay from September 3, 2018 to the date of payment, as well as jointly and severally the amount of PLN 64,624.40 for the costs of proceedings with interest, in the amount of statutory interest for delay in payment of the cash benefit for the period from the date of the judgment becoming final until the day of payment.
STALPROFIL SA filed a lawsuit in the above case on August 31, 2018. The Company did not include revenues on this account in the financial result for Q1 2021 or from previous periods.