01.12.2016 10:58

Entry of the merger of STALPROFIL S.A. and ZRUG Zabrze S.A. in the National Court Register

In reference to current reports: 19/2016, 20/2016, 21/2016, 27/2016 the Board of STALPROFIL S.A. informs that on 1 December 2016 learned about making the District Court in Katowice, VIII Commercial Division in the Register of Entrepreneurs of the National Court registry on merger of "STALPROFIL" S.A. (Acquiring Company) with ZRUG Zabrze S.A. (the Acquired Company).

The merger took place on the day the merger was entered into the Register of Entrepreneurs, ie 1 December 2016, in accordance with art. 492 § 1 point 1 CCC, ie. by transferring all assets of the Acquired Company to the Acquiring Company under the simplified procedure and without increasing the share capital of STALPROFIL S.A., ie. on the basis of art. 515 § 1 and 516 § 6 of the Commercial Companies Code and under the conditions specified in the Merger Plan of 29 July 2016.

The assets and liabilities of the Acquired Company have been fully paid to the created and registered in the National Court branch of "STALPROFIL" S.A. in Zabrze, which has the status of a selfbalansing unit.

"STALPROFIL" S.A. Branch in Zabrze also has autonomy in matters of employee, being an employer for employees of the Branch.