Current Report

2022.05.11 13:18
Current report 20/2022
Selection of the Consortium's offer consisting of: Izostal SA (Consortium Leader), Ferrum SA (Consortium Partner) and Stalprofil SA (Consortium Partner) as the most advantageous in the supply of insulated steel pipes DN700 to OGP Gaz-System SA
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2022.05.05 09:32
Current report 19/2022
Change of the publication date of the Company's financial report for the 1st quarter of 2022
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2022.04.29 08:52
Current report 18/2022
The content of draft resolutions of the Ordinary General Meeting of STALPROFIL SA, convened for May 26, 2022
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2022.04.29 08:50
Current report 17/2022
Convocation of the Ordinary General Meeting of "STALPROFIL" SA
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2022.04.28 13:19
Current report 16/2022
Recommendation of the Supervisory Board of STALPROFIL SA regarding the proposed profit distribution for 2021
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2022.04.26 09:19
Current report 15/2022
Preliminary estimated financial results of STALPROFIL SA for the 1st quarter of 2022
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2022.04.12 14:32
Current report 14/2022
Conclusion of an agreement with ROMGOS GWIAZDOWSCY sp. z o.o. for subcontracting the investment: Construction of the DN1000 Gustorzyn-Wronów gas pipeline
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2022.04.11 15:19
Current report 13/2022
Information on the selection of the offer of STALPROFIL SA as the most advantageous in the tender organized by Polska Spółka Gazownictwa sp. z o.o. for the construction of the DN400 gas pipeline Dąbrowa Górnicza - Szopienice
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2022.04.11 14:38
Current report 12/2022
Information on submitting the best offer for the supply of DN700 insulated steel pipes to OGP Gaz-System SA by the Consortium composed of: Izostal SA (Consortium Leader), Ferrum SA (Consortium Partner) and STALPROFIL SA (Consortium Partner)
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2022.04.11 09:34
Current report 11/2022
Recommendation of the Management Board of STALPROFIL SA regarding the amount of dividend for 2021
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2022.03.09 14:11
Current report 10/2022
Information on the impact of war in Ukraine on the current operations of the STALPROFIL SA Capital Group
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2022.02.10 07:36
Current report 9/2022
Preliminary estimated financial results of STALPROFIL SA for the fourth quarter of 2021
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2022.02.02 13:21
Current report 8/2022
List of shareholders with at least 5% of votes at the EGM of STALPROFIL SA on 31.01.2022
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2022.01.31 14:09
Current report 7/2022
The content of the resolutions adopted by the Extraordinary General Meeting of STALPROFIL SA
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2022.01.31 14:07
Current report 6/2022
Appointment of a Member of the Supervisory Board of STALPROFIL SA
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2022.01.25 10:52
Current report 5/2022
Proposing a candidate for a member of the Supervisory Board of the Company
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2022.01.13 11:33
Current report 4/2022
Dates of publication of financial reports in 2022
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2022.01.05 13:05
Current report 3/2022
The content of draft resolutions of the Extraordinary General Meeting of STALPROFIL SA, convened for January 31, 2022
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2022.01.05 13:02
Raport bieżący 2/2022
Convening of the Extraordinary General Meeting of "STALPROFIL" SA
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2022.01.03 08:30
Current report 1/2022
Information on the death of a Member of the Supervisory Board of STALPROFIL SA
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2021.11.23 14:52
Current report 27/2021
Conclusion by a Consortium composed of: Izostal S.A. (Consortium Leader), Ferrum S.A. (Consortium Partner) and Stalprofil S.A. (Consortium Partner) of the Agreement for the supply of insulated steel pipes DN700 to OGP Gaz-System S.A.
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2021.11.23 14:50
Current report 26/2021
Conclusion by the Consortium of companies consisting of: Izostal S.A. (Consortium Leader), Ferrum S.A. (Consortium Partner) and Stalprofil S.A. (Consortium Partner) of the Agreements for the supply of insulated steel pipes DN1000 to OGP Gas-System S.A.
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2021.10.28 07:57
Current report 25/2021
Preliminary estimated financial results of STALPROFIL S.A. for the third quarter of 2021
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2021.07.27 14:46
Current report 24/2021
Notification of the reduction of the share in the total number of votes at the General Meeting of STALPROFIL SA below the 5% threshold by VALUE Fundusz Inwestycyjny Zamknięty
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2021.07.27 13:35
Current report 23/2021
Information on court registration of amendments to the Statutes of STALPROFIL SA
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